
Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Chasing Rabbits

We were honeymooners. We were young and full of life...and a bit naive. One of the funniest memories of our honeymoon was the time Cheryl and I went to a dog race. Yes! You read that correctly! Of course, we had no idea what we had gotten ourselves into. We soon found out that people were betting on a bunch of dogs chasing after automated rabbits. As you probably can imagine, our time there was short lived. We didn't gamble and found the whole experience kind of crazy!

Dallas Willard tells a story about a dog race at which the electronic rabbits actually broke down resulting in the dogs catching the rabbits. The dogs just sat there barking and yelping. They had no idea what to do. Dallas writes, "I think that's a picture of what happens to all sorts of people who catch the rabbit in their life. Whether it's wealth or fame or beauty or a bigger house, or whatever, the prize isn't what they thought it would be. And when they finally get it, they don't know what to do with their lives."

What rabbits are you chasing after these days? I want to encourage you to chase after God with all your heart. The benefits are priceless and fulfilling. To name just a few: an overcoming faith, peace, joy, contentment, love, purity, humility, patience and God-given dreams.

Let's live by the declaration of the Apostle Paul who said, "What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things (Ph. 3:7)."

No more chasing those silly rabbits!!!

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