
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Top 10 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Serve in the Church

This weekend is our annual Ministry Fair at EC and it has me thinking a bit about the "serving" component of our Christian walk. Throughout the years, I have served alongside many different people. Without question, the Bible tells us that there is a place for everyone to serve (1 Cor. 12:12-26) and it even goes as far as to say that God created us for this (Eph. 2:10). By far, the happiest and most productive people I have ever served with are those who are in their "sweet spot". This is that place where a person's gifts, passions, and God's call intersect. Everyone has a "sweet spot" and with God's help we can all find exactly what he wants us to be doing. I encourage you to find that place and serve with all your heart.

Just for fun, I thought it would be neat to list my Top Ten Reasons Why You Shouldn't Serve in the Church. This is certainly not exhaustive. Feel free to add to it if you want. Enjoy!

1. Because you get recognition from others when you do.
2. Because you always have done it.
3. Because you don't know how to say no.
4. Because you want to do a favor for the pastors at your church.
5. Because there isn't anyone else to help.
6. Because you need to be needed.
7. Because someone made you feel guilty.
8. Because you think no one can do it better.
9. Because you have nothing better to do.
10. Because your mom did and her mom did and her mom did (well, you get the idea).

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this!

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