My family took a trip to Discovery Place today. For those of you not from the Charlotte area, Discovery Place is a interactive science museum for kids. One of their current exhibits is a 3D IMAX theater. We watched 2 movies. One was about sea turtles and the other one was about sharks.
It was so neat to see my kids experience 3D for the first time! Zachary loved it! At first, Trevor was scared. He kept taking his glasses off! Kyrsten, on the other hand, was just plain wigged out by it all. As long as Kyrsten kept her glasses off, however; she wasn't scared at all. The fish seemed far away from her.
It's really amazing how a little pair of glasses can change the dynamics of the screen. This whole phenomenon got me thinking about how I read my Bible. Now, I know what your thinking. What on earth does a 3D fish movie have to do with your Bible reading. Actually...not much! It's just the weird way my mind works.
Study the scriptures and you will see that the Holy Spirit has a way of illuminating His truth to us. Have you ever had a verse just about jump out at you. Perhaps you've read it many times, but on a particular occasion it hits you square between the eyes. That's illumination! In a sense, God's spirit gives us eyes to see something in a way we've never seen it before. It comes alive! It's 3D!
So often, I just read the Bible without asking God to speak to me. I read it for information, not revelation. In a strange way, my 3D experience was a reminder to me to pray and ask God to speak to me before reading the scriptures each day.
I don't know how you read your Bible. Just a little reminder...whatever you do, make sure that you don't forget your special glasses. (1 Cor. 2:12-14)
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