
Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I was driving the kids home from school the other day and I overheard Zachary and Trevor talking about Trevor's math homework. Trevor was saying some of his times tables out loud so that Zachary could hear what he was learning. In true big brother fashion (I should know, I was one!) and with a smug look on his face, Zachary said, "I know those. They're so easy!" And then he went on to speak out the answers to the equations before Trevor could say them.

I know! All big brothers do this, right? Nevertheless, I felt ever so compelled to remind Zachary that he was much older than Trevor and that he should use the opportunity to encourage Trevor instead of leveraging it to make himself appear superior. Yeah right!

The whole incident got me thinking about the BTDTGTTS syndrome. You know: Been There, Done That, Got The T-Shirt! We all have suffered from this syndrome at one point or another. It has a way of creeping in to our lives without any warning....yes, even math homework will bring it on!

Like any syndrome, the source of the problem must be diagnosed before it can be treated. When it comes to BTDTGTTS syndrome, the root is easily identified: Pride! And sometimes it slithers its way into our spiritual life. Unfortunately, those of us who are more mature in the faith are more susceptible to this syndrome. Why? Because we've read all the Bible stories. We've listened to 1000's of sermons. We've sung a legion of worship tunes throughout our lives.

So, how do you know that this syndrome is present? Here are a few symptoms:

1. We read the Bible for information, not for transformation.
2. We look to "get something out of" corporate worship instead of giving our worship to God.
3. We constantly make excuses for our lack of service.
4. We lack patience with those who are immature in the faith.
5. We have lost our drive to tell others about Jesus.

When it comes to our spiritual lives, BTDTGTTS syndrome is extremely dangerous. It causes us to elevate ourselves above others. Unfortunately, the mountain we think we are standing on is nothing more than a figment of our imagination. BTDTGTTS syndrome has a way of skewing our vision and killing our hunger to know more of who God is. It literally stunts our growth!

I implore you! Don't let this syndrome infiltrate your life. It only hurts you and others. Humble yourself and celebrate the victories of those around you. You will be amazed at what God will do through you!

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