
Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Package

Everything comes in a package. Everything! Think about it...the food you eat, the lyrics to the songs you hear, the car you drive, the commercials you watch on TV. It's all packaged a certain way for its intended purpose.

Packages exist for different reasons. Some are good and some are bad. Some packages are meant to protect; others to disguise. Some are designed solely for the purpose of making its contents look attractive.

Have you ever noticed that God's communication to us is often packaged? We are all familiar with the package of the Bible. But God speaks to us in other ways, too. Sometimes he speaks through the package of our circumstances--good and bad. Sometimes his package includes things said by people we love or a spiritual authority in our lives. We know it's Him when it lines up with the scriptures.

I'm convinced that there are times that I don't hear God completely because I get so hung up with the package. "Why would God use that person or that church or that pastor or this circumstance? I know better than them. I could do this better." Ever been there?

God is always speaking. In my life, I often have to ask him to help me to get past the "package". Once this happens, I begin to hear his voice much more frequently. Oh, by the way, it's good to remember, too, that all God's packages are ones that are rooted in his goodness and his love. He's not trying to keep you from hearing his voice nor is He trying to deceive you.

I encourage you to think about the "packages" in your life. Are you hearing what God is saying? If not, rip them open and look inside. You will not only find His words to you; you will find Him!

1 comment:

Sarah Joy said...

ironic.. considering the "package" wWarren was delivered on Monday! I suddenly hate that word!