
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Heart of a Child

I used to be afraid to pray in public. I was concerned that I would say the wrong thing or sound dumb in front of others. As I matured in my faith, I began to realize that prayer was simply talking to God. I also realized that God is most concerned with our hearts and not simply if we just say the right words.

Cheryl and I allow our kids to pray in public on a regular basis. Kyrsten is learning now. In fact, she will not let us eat or go to bed unless she gets to pray first. The other night at the dinner table she prayed the funniest prayer. The first part was the same as normal. It was the last part that jumped out at me. It went something like this:

"My belly hurts, my belly belly hurts, the food, daddy, mommy...(and this was the funny part!)and thank you for our Cheezit's name, Amen."

IN CHEEZIT'S NAME? I just about died laughing. It brought such joy to my heart to hear Kyrsten pray. She's learning to talk to God. She doesn't always get the words right and neither do I for that matter, but there is no doubt in my mind that she connects with God.

I want to encourage you to talk regularly to God. Whether it's in public or in private, what matters most is the intent of your heart. By the way, take some time to listen too. He always gets the words right.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

In Cheezit's Name...
Great title for your next book!