The other you. You know, it's that part of you that seemingly rises up out of nowhere now and then. For some, the other you has shown up on the highway when you were stuck behind a person driving below the speed limit. Suddenly, your once peaceful heart erupted in anger and demeaning words flew out. For others, the other you has appeared while you were at the office. An attractive person caught your eye. Instead of one quick look, you found yourself staring and wondering what it might be like to be with them.
Most of the time the other you sneaks up on you. Perhaps it has shown up as a hint of pride after discovering that you had greater talent than another person on the team. Or maybe you once saw someone suffering and turned the other way because of how inconvenient it would have been for you to help them.
Can I be honest? The other you came out in me a couple of days ago when my phone rang at 4:15AM (for all of you morning people, this is the middle of the night for me!). It was the alarm company. A motion sensor had been activated in the Academy and it was my responsibility to meet the police at the church. It was 14 degrees out (I now consider that cold!), my kids had been up for some of the night with the stomach virus, and I was extremely tired. The other you took control. I was so short with the police that I was afraid to tell them I was a pastor. After all, pastors never lose their cool, right? I played it off as being half asleep, but I was simply angry.
As I drove home, I was reminded of Romans 7 when Paul talks about how he does things that he doesn't want to do. He's talking about the other you. The old life has a way of creeping back in sometimes. It's the Enemy's desire to make us a slave again to the other you. I then remembered Galatians 2:20 "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me."
My guess is that this won't be the last time I see the other you. However, with God's help all of us can submit to Christ in our given situations and he will give us the victory. He died so that we might live!
Amazing how Pastor Rex touched on this too!
Yes it is! I wrote this on Friday night and had no idea what he was going to say today. I guess God is trying to say something to all of us!
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