
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The GPS Mess!

Ever been lost? Probably nothing like this couple! According to the National Post, "Two Swedes expecting the golden beaches of the Italian island of Capri got a shock when tourist officials told them they were 650 kilometers (400 miles!) off course in the northern town of Carpi, near Modena, after they mistyped the name in their GPS."

Are you thinking what I'm thinking? How on earth could they make such a huge mistake? What's interesting to me about this story is that their initial error was quite small...just the switching of two letters!

We live in a world where we regularly hear about people who commit some of the most egregious acts. It's important to remember that each of these sins started with a much smaller compromise long before (about 400 miles back). No one just wakes up one day and decides to murder someone, cheat on his wife or scam a person out of millions of dollars.

The moral of the story is obvious. Left unchecked, our shortcomings will always lead to greater destruction. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why Jesus said in Matthew 5 that those who lust after a woman have already committed adultery in their hearts. Jesus also went on to say that a person who is angry is subject to judgment just as a person is who murders.

So the next time you set your spiritual GPS, make sure you check God's Word to ensure that you have the proper destination. Believe me, the last thing you want is to end up 400 miles of course!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Report Card

Are you one who strives for excellence or are you a perfectionist? Why do I ask? Because not knowing the difference could harm you and the people around you. Striving for excellence can simply be defined as doing the best with what you have been given. Perfectionism on the other hand is demanding perfection (an unreachable goal) out of yourself and others.

I first made this distinction during report card time in elementary school. I remember hearing about some of my friends who would get in trouble if they didn't get all "A's" on their report cards. In these cases, it didn't matter how hard they worked. Nothing less than an "A" was acceptable. Their parents were perfectionists. I, on the other hand, was not afraid to come home with less than an "A", unless I knew that I didn't do my very best in a particular subject. As long as my parents knew that I did my best, they would congratulate me on a job well done.

This is not to say that I always did my best! School was not always my favorite place to go. In fact, one summer, I celebrated my vacation by putting my books in the driveway and setting them on fire! Let's just say that my parents weren't too happy about this!

You may have noticed that I didn't choose a musical example to illustrate my point. I did this on purpose because I believe that excellence is a way of life. Colossians 3:23 says, "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men."

I believe that we should strive for excellence in everything: our relationships, our vocation, our devotion to God, our health, our financial management, our talents, etc. Why? So that we can glorify God in all that we do.

Oh, and by the way, striving for excellence brings freedom. How so? When you really know that you did your best at something, you don't look back and condemn yourself no matter the result. Instead, you find fulfillment in the fact that you gave it your all!

Friday, July 17, 2009

First Class Allegiance

Ran across this quote today from Rick Warren on Twitter:

"So many talented people give 1st class allegiance to 2nd class causes that diffuse their energy, weaken impact & waste their lives."

I don't know about you, but I have no desire to waste my life! Are you doing what God has called you to do in life? It's the best way to find fulfillment and make a true difference for His Kingdom!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

I'm Sure I Read That Somewhere

I ran across this blog today. It hit me right between the eyes! Fasten your seat belts.

I'm Sure I Read that Somewhere
by Shawn McEvoy, Senior Editor

There are six things which the Lord hates... Proverbs 6:16

Ordinary day number 10,099, give or take, in my life as a born again Christian. Let's see what's on tap for me to do today...

Hmmm, probably not much need to pray; things are pretty good. I got it under control for now. Definitely don't need to read the Bible. 10,000 days into the journey a guy gets pretty tight with God. Knows his stuff. Remembers the Word fairly clearly. Gets pretty skilled at pointing out how others break the commandments and fail to trust the promises.

So I guess it'll be more of the same today.

  • Denounce political candidate without same convictions as me.
  • Complain about salary.
  • Build tower of righteous anger because the definition of marriage should be so obvious.
  • Get warm fuzzies while writing tithe check.
  • Tell sad friend I'm praying for him (but not really). Then, call other friend to disparage sad friend for the misery he's caused himself.
  • Rail against injustice. Stay firmly planted on seat.
  • Marvel at idiots who give in to sinful addictions. While doing, let out the buckle on that size 40 belt and relax a bit.
  • Bark at wife.
  • Write uplifting devotional.

Wow, full day. But feels a lot like yesterday. Kinda rote. Well, that's just the cross I carry. Because after all, I happen to know a few things about the Word of God.

I know that there are "six things which the Lord hates, yes, seven which are an abomination to Him." And I'm pretty sure those are: gay people, terrorists, atheists, liberals, SUV drivers, and the French.

Likewise, I'm sure I read that it's best to be unwilling to listen, first to speak, and quick to get angry (or righteously indignant. Take your pick. Both are good).

I must have read those things because they seem so prevalent as the outward tenets of Basic Christianity circa 2009. But, since I'm all about passing on the love, give me just a minute to dig up the ol' Bible here so I can find the references for you, so you can have the same "joy" I do.

Okay, here they are:

Proverbs 6:16-19: There are six things which the LORD hates, Yes, seven which are an abomination to Him: Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, And hands that shed innocent blood, A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that run rapidly to evil, A false witness who utters lies, And one who spreads strife among brothers.

James 1:19-20: This you know, my beloved brethren. But everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger; for the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God.

Wait a minute.

That can't be right.

If those things are right, then I must be... wrong?

Haughty eyes? Come on, Father, haughty eyes? How else are my eyes supposed to look? And You're telling me my EYES and PLANS bother you more than that guy's crime?

(In MY eyes, they all get you into trouble, keep you out of My will. One thing leads to another. Pride leads to destruction).

Okay, but what about taking a stand? You know, "speak ye first"?! Ignore the arguments of the infidels! Be unyielding!

(What do you want Me to say? Are you going to trust in your own righteousness, or believe My Word that you're not achieving MY righteousness?).

Wow, Lord. I got some thinking to do here. I was so sure I read those things somewhere, so sure You had my back. How do I know one of those things You hate isn't... me?

(I'm instructing and disciplining you, aren't I? Take a look at Proverbs 3:11-12).

Good point. Bring on day number 10,100. Give or take.

Intersecting Faith & Life: The balance between pursuing holiness and loving those who persecute us is tricky, but God is always faithful to instruct us, and shepherd us when we stray too far to either side. Ask Him to reveal to you places you've forgotten or neglected from the Word, so that you may accept His valued instruction.

Further Reading

Proverbs 15:32-33
James 2:14-20
James 4:17
James 1:26-27